Where you go, I’ll go!!
I love this video from Jesus Culture!
Posted in Jesus Revolution, Music and tagged BrenT's ThoughtS, christian, God, Jesus Culture, Jesus Revolution, joy, Kim Walker, love, Music, passion, video, Yeshua by Brent with no comments yet.
What can I give back to you, God, for the blessings you poured out on me??
I promise to give back to God all that He’s poured into me. All of my talents, all of my riches, all of my success, all of my heart… they are made by you and for you, Jesus. I will continually give myself to the lost, hurt, and dying world. Thank you for your perfect example of love, for being the first to give, for making me a new creature now reborn to live to give!
Posted in Jesus Revolution, Music and tagged Bono, Giving your talent to God, Good News, Gospel, Inspiration, Isaiah 61, Jesus Revolution, Luke 4, Music, Psalm 116, Psalm 40, taking care of the poor, U2 by Brent with 2 comments.
Yo P-Funk folks hold your funkadelic funkin’ cause your mothership ain’t got nothin’ on these current heavenly realities… take a trip to the other side, and come ride the ride of your life – it’s the J-train baby!!
Posted in Music and tagged fun, funk music, J-Train, Jesus Revolution, Music, P-funk, Toby Mac by Brent with 3 comments.
Indonesia Travel Report!
In Indonesia… Heaven opened up and displayed the Glory of God while angels descended worshiping Jesus with us and ministering to us. The blind eyes of people were opened, cancer left people’s bodies, one person received a new liver, many restorations to people’s health conditions!
We had a barbecue for the poor who lived in the cemetery, visited people who were living in the garbage dumps and lifted them up to now live among the princes of His people. We visited a leper colony, which we later renamed “Indah Glory Village”. There we joined in worship at the church, played with the beautiful children, and kissed away the people’s leprosy!! JOY JOY!!
I learned to speak bahasa Indonesia much better than before, enjoyed 3 marvelous days on the beach of Bali and swam in the Indian Ocean for the first time, rode a motor scooter all through the insane Bali nightlife, and stayed in 5 star hotels and at a beach resort even but still managed to dig into the realities of Indonesia’s ‘working class’ people where I made many friends.
The amazing local servants of God joined with us in demonstrating the Kingdom of Heaven to the lost, broken, hurting, and dying world. The Jesus lovers we met there are radical for Him and are living in God’s presence under 24/7 open Heaven. They have become my forever friends from Surabaya, Jakarta, and Bali.
Also made many new forever friends from Australia and the US who are such truly amazing Jesus lovers too! We all witnessed so many signs, wonders, and miracles! We all experienced Joy unspeakable!
We all drank and stayed wasted off the new wine of Heaven – the blood of Jesus!!
His love is better than wine shhhaaakkkkkkkaa!!!
Posted in Jesus Revolution, Travel and tagged Bali, BrenT's ThoughtS, fun, Glory, God, Heaven, Indonesia, Jakarta, Jesus Revolution, joy, love, miracles, Mission Trip, Surabaya, Travel, traveling, Yeshua by Brent with no comments yet.
By M.G.Wallace
What happened to her? Where did she go?
The one with the laugh and never a foe.
She’d light up the room with only a smile,
Lending a hand or an ear all the while.
Somewhere along the journey of life
Her heart was consumed by darkness and strife.
When did it change? How can she know?
She faded too slowly to see it go.
Confused by the hurt and turmoil of late,
She wonders if this is really her fate.
There’s only one answer for the state that she’s in
But she can’t see it clearly through the veil of sin.
What’s that?!? A light is piercing right through.
It started out small and she watched as it grew.
With ripping and tearing is the veil torn away
Instantly turning her night into day.
And now with the warmth of the Light on her face
She’s enveloped by Mercy, Forgiveness and Grace.
“Where have you been?”, to her Lord she cried out.
“You were gone for so long, I started to doubt.”
“My daughter,” He said, “I’ve always been here.
You just couldn’t see me because of your fear.”
“Oh Jesus, forgive me, for running away!
I promise to never again go astray.
I know in my heart my life is made new
As long as my eyes remain always on You.”
This poem reminds me about a video of my awesome friend Angela:
Posted in Jesus Revolution, Poetry and tagged Angela Cummings, Jesus Revolution, love, M.G.Wallace, poem, Poetry, the prodigal by Brent with 1 comment.
One more week till… I’m in the dumps!
I’ll be heading out with Sons of Thunder and Joy Revolution to shine the love of Jesus among those living in actual garbage dumps! We’ll be visiting the beautiful country of Indonesia! Awesome!! Yeshua Jesus is going with us!!!
Posted in Biography, Jesus Revolution, Travel and tagged ben and stephanie dunn, brent christian, Indonesia, Jesus Revolution, john crowder, love, Mission Trip, Travel, trips by Brent with no comments yet.
Rosh Hashana! “shana tova”!!
I had a pleasant evening feasting with my Israeli friends in celebration of the new year. It’s gonna be a sweet one! My Jewish brothers and sisters are gonna come to know the King of Kings!! Everyone praise Yeshua ha Messiach!!! Many blessings to you in this new year, enjoy this video:
Posted in Biography, Jesus Revolution and tagged Israel, Jesus Revolution, Jewish, Jewish New Year, New Year, Rosh Hashana, Yeshua by Brent with no comments yet.
hey, it’s MY Birthday!
ooh I worked so hard to not have to work on my birthday, but ended up having to anyways!!! I certainly couldn’t let that upset me, besides, some reason I always work on my birthday! …I think it has something to do with being born on Labor Day, I don’t know LOL.
Yesterday I met a young man who had hurt his back. It was very obvious he was in a lot of pain, he shouldn’t have even been at work for he could barely do his job in that state. I knew I was supposed to pray for him, and was able to catch up with him just as he was leaving work to go see a doctor for his symptoms. I asked him if he believed in Jesus, to which he responded yes. However, I could discern that he did not really have a relationship Him. Nonetheless, I gave testimony about Jesus as healer and he allowed me to quickly pray for his back. As I prayed, I knew that his faith was being greatly increased. At that point, I knew he was going to be healed and could foresee that God would use this healing to allow me to witness to him more later. Today I got that chance. When he saw me at work, he excitedly yelled out to me from the far end of a hallway, “Hey man! That prayed worked!” He came to show me that his back was indeed healed. I encouraged him to read the Bible for himself to see what Jesus was all about, instead of just letting a bunch of religious garbage pollute his mind. He agreed to that. Amen! It was definitely worth being at work, even on my birthday, to learn that someone I had previously prayed for had been healed! It was like a b-day gift.
Later, I was not feeling too well because I was so tired. I had worn myself out working this contract, how I thank God that today was the last! The computers I had to set up where being stored in another building on the grounds so I had a lot of extra work just moving them to where they needed to be. I headed down into the basement of the building to pull them up, when this interesting day-dream like thought arrested my attention…
I though about celebrating my birthday with this woman, Brigette, whom I previously met a few weeks ago. Although we only briefly met in an airport, I really liked her and wished I could have gotten to know her better. To be spending my time with someone such as her would certainly have been a much more ideal birthday than to be stuck working today! My mind curiously wandered on about Brigette. It had been nearly 3 months since we met, and I couldn’t stop thinking about her. No other girl had ever captivated this much of my interest, not even close.
Feeling light-headed and hungry, I sat down to reflect on my day and to take a break. I could have easily fallen asleep down in that basement and even considered taking a nap right there, but I also wanted to get this job over with – no way would I be coming back to work again tomorrow! So pushing onward I began loading my cart with ‘stupid computers’.
Then suddenly, I had this overwhelming impression in my spirit… ‘Today is Brigette’s Birthday!!’
I quickly reminded myself that, “today is MY birthday NOT hers!” hmm “…what, was I crazy??” Nonetheless, the thought was so real is seemed that it must be true. What if it was. How amazing would it be to share the same birthday as this dream girl who so impressed me. So I began to pray that, if in fact it actually was her b-day, she would have an extremely enjoyable one and that she would be kept safe if she went out to party. In that moment of prayer, I had a vision!
In the vision, I found myself at her birthday party which was being held outside in a park. In the vision I held a small gift behind me as I waited for the right time to walk up and present myself along with the gift, then when I eventually did she warmly greeted me with a hug. Wow. Strange. Lovely.
What interesting event in the middle of an otherwise dull workday! No matter how crazy it seemed, it was certainly welcome. As I plowed on through quite a challenging workday I found myself wanting that lovely vision become true!
Later in the day my work took me over to another facility where I began to have a much better day!
Upon arrival, I was catered to by all the friendly staff and the administrator had lunch brought to me. Then I was totally caught by surprise when an entourage of nurses came around the corner singing to me in harmony… I blushed. Thanks to my new friend Flavia, word had gotten out! After that, I got sung the birthday song everywhere I went throughout the rest of my day and felt exceptionally important when friendly strangers saluted me all over the building with “Happy Birthday, Brent!”.
When I got home, I laid down to take a nap before going out. My thoughts turned back to wondering about that vision I had… what about Brigette’s birthday.. was she having a good one? I really hoped so.. but wait… was it even really her birthday!? I jumped up and went to the computer, I had to see about this girl. Thank God for Facebook. With a quick search, I got a reality check…no…
I was not crazy! We indeed do share the same Birthday! AMAZING
Wish I could give her a birthday present today or just let her know I was thinking about her!
In the evening after waking from my nap Leonard took me out to eat at a nice Italian restaurant. We had a good time talking about our work together and our future. There was prophetic insight to be had from the meal. We were each given large menus, and I was also handed a smaller menu which had dinner specials. I quickly observed that this smaller menu offered us a much better deal. It included double portions at the same price the larger menus listed for only a single entrée. It was easy to agree that using this smaller menu was the way to go! I felt God was reassuring me that both of us will enjoy a double portion blessing for working together in Kingdom Business. I also thought of the larger menu as the broad way which leads to destruction, and the smaller one as following Wisdom along the narrow path to Life.
I came home and wrote here all about my day, hopefully it was a good read for someone out there. I know it will be an interesting record of a day in the life of Brent – and on my B-day!
Now I’m gonna relax a bit while I read. Probably fall asleep after such a good meal. I’m so thankful to God that my job is over, I’ve got money for my upcoming trip to Indonesia, I’m alive and with full use of my legs, and Jesus is my best friend. I’ve got a great life!
Thank you Jesus for giving me an awesome birthday!
Posted in Biography, BrenT's ThoughtS, Jesus Revolution and tagged birthday, brent, brigette, christian, healing, Jesus Revolution, visions by Brent with 2 comments.
“58 and feeling great!”
“58 and feeling great!”
Those were the words of my dear dad when I called to check on his birthday experience. He also shared with me that he can now get his boots back on, which means that he’s recovered from some recent ‘bangs ups’ out there on the road! Just shy of turning 58 years of age, this wild cowboy was recently participating once more as a contestant after many years of retirement. He says he may have finally rode his last… but I certianly won’t be betting on it. As Garth Brook sang, “he just can’t quit this thang they call a rodeo!” LOL
Since he’s out there on the road traveling, he celebrated his birthday with no family around. That certianly didn’t stop this cowboy from having fun though! He took himself out bowling and to play some pool, two of his other favorite activities. Because of the Joy of Jesus he’s often cheerful no matter what, but I know he would have enjoyed showing me up on the pool table if I could have been there and that he missed all of his children today.
When I called, he was on his way to get ready (in prayer) to minister at yet another rodeo. Yes, my dad is a “travelin’ rodeo preacher man” , and a wonderful one at that. I’m very grateful to have a God-loving and God-fearing father who taught me all about Jesus. I miss him, as it’s been a year now since I’ve last visited him (for his birthday), just before I moved even farther away. LOL It reminds me, how I can’t wait till I get back to Texas… Yeeehaaaaww!!!
I leave you to enJOY these AWESOME messages from my amazing Dad:
Posted in Family and tagged birthday, brent christian, Christian Cowboys and Friends, cowboys, dad, evangelist, father, fun, Jesus Revolution, on the road, preacher, rodeo, Ronnie Christian, traveling by Brent with no comments yet.