The Economics of Giving It Away
If you are you guilty of looking to web dev projects as a means for producing your multi-million dollar money tree you’ll probably (or probably not) be interested in this facing-the-facts article from Chris Anderson, the Editor in Chief of Wired Magazine:
The Economics of Giving It Away
(…I really like the article-complementing-image by John Kuczala, LOL)
It’s absolutely funny to me that companies are still figuring out which business models work and which don’t out here in the world wide web. Also amazing is that most people still don’t understand that real money made on the web has still not been realized in 10 years worth of flaming pies-in-the-sky and dot-com-hype. It’s especially strange to me that, after coming back from being almost completely unplugged from the internet world for nearly 5 years, i’m not seeing anything much has changed other than the amount of purpose driven, content driven, or/and otherwise just cool sites have been almost swallowed up in junk-for-content sites which are now over consuming what would have been perfectly good bandwidth… (it would have been a grave sin in 1995 to allow a lot of this www waste to be published).
I am really happy though to finally see standards compliant web browsers and design elements being separated from content.
Ohhh and now comes cloud computing!! LOL when it rains it pours?!
Posted in BrenT's ThoughtS and tagged 1995, brent christian, cloud computing, dot com, dot coms, economy, internet, internet startups, start-ups, tech companies, web 2.0, web design, web dev, web development, wired by Brent with no comments yet.
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