Hiatus from Hiatus
…One Year Later
Yikes! How the time flew since my last post – Ridiculous.
It’s even more ridiculous how the time has passed since the internet grew from a sparce network of Bulletin Board Systems to the Wide World Web and now to the ‘Internet of Things’ (whatever the tech that means).
Meanwhile, I’ve been traveling all around this growing mountian of technology we call the Internet… spending weary years in awe and addiction to the vast wealth of information it makes readily available to feed upon. Not wanting to miss a thing, I’ve wandered up ever so slowly in my climb to experience every detail along the way – a wildflower picker – stopping to enjoy every detail and even exploring the lunatic fridge of our www during my slow accent to my destiny as a content producer.
Soon, this traveler of information and human expression will take his turn in sharing myself with you again and finally make good on my promises to keep this site updated regularly.
The thing is, I actually have a ton of stuff to publish!
Seriously, authentic blog post goodness is heading your way once I get my head out of the cloud server and take the time to manage regular quality updates.
I’m constantly writing stuff actually, but unfortunately I usually get interrupted in the heat of inspiration and have to save it to a draft and forget about it. …But those drafts are not to be forgotten. They will see the light of day! …or rather the backside of the blogosphere. And you my dear readers, will hear tales from the forgotten days of web logging – When Ben Brown became an Internet Rockstar and zines were still the creative and passionate outlet of ‘geeks’, when truly connecting with someone online was not taken for granted, a time when proffiteering gluttons hadn’t yet fully polluted the waters of our beloved Internet. And here on my site you will once again get glimpses into my heart and soul, as I post about my life – my friends, my family, my journeys, my joys and sorrows, and life projects – all poured out on this blog…
Stay tuned. RSS anyone?
– brent
I am assembling a special network of blogs – a type of webring – which aims to be a throwback to the internet’s days of yore while utilizing all that’s fresh in modern web development to present a networked experience of nostalgia, kindred spirits, and future embrace. If this sort of thing interest you, then join me on my personal social network –> http://www.brentchristian.com/friends/
Posted in BrenT's ThoughtS, Technology by Brent with no comments yet.
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